Prince of Peace UMC
6299 Token Forest Drive, Manassas, VA 20112 | 703-670-4143
Serving the Community in Dale City, Manassas and Woodbridge VA

Current Sermon Series:
​​John Wesley, the founder of Methodism is known for the width and depth of theology throughout the sermons he preached. Some of his masterpieces are still favorites of many disciples, and they are worth rereading from the perspectives of 21st century Christianity.
Even more, what if it is through the lens of modern day "circuit riders?" Circuit riders were preachers in the good ole days who rode on horses and moved from churches to churches rotating and preaching to the community they were appointed.
This winter, six United Methodist Churches in the Woodbridge area jointly offer a Pulpit Swap, sharing messages based on John Wesley's masterworks for six weeks. Pastors will come to each church and lead worship services in turn.
At Prince of Peace:
January 19 - “Witness of the Spirit” (by Rev. Gayle Porias, Cokesbury UMC)
January 26 - “Scriptural Way of Salvation” (by Rev. Gennie Bowles, Prince of Peace UMC)
February 2 - “Free Grace” (by Rev. Lisa Barbery, Good Shepherd UMC)
February 9 - “Justification of Faith” (by Rev. Esther Agbosu, Bethel UMC)
February 16 - “Almost Christian” (by Rev. Bob Michalides, St. Paul UMC)
February 23 - “Original Sin” (by Rev. Kyungsuk Cho, Old Bridge UMC)
This series is offered all throughout the Woodbridge Collaborate connection: Bethel, Cokesbury, Good Shepherd, Old Bridge, Prince of Peace, and St. Paul United Methodist Churches. Join us in one of the six locations, as we seek to grow in faith through twelve new eyes to read the classic messages that have been loved for centuries! We know you will love it!
Prince of Peace is a congregation of the United Methodist Church, a connection of believers who are called to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our members come from every age and station in life. We are not divided by politics or opinions. We serve a risen Lord who speaks God's love through the Bible and we never apologize for our beliefs.
But you don't have to believe any of that to be welcome here. Walk with us, share with us and grow with us. Everyone of us has walked a similar path. There is no judgement here---only God's love and the power to find new life.
Prince of Peace was born of a dream in 1982. In one of the fastest growing areas of the nation, God called this church to provide a sense of family and belonging. People from all over the world have become part of that dream. We have members from nearly every state in the union, as well as Africa, Asia, Europe and the Caribbean. Together, we all find a place to belong in this family of God.
Today that family includes our youngest children to our senior saints. We are all learning together, leading together and serving together. Each step of the way, we are growing closer to God and closer to our neighbors in Dale City, Manassas and Woodbridge, Virginia.
Our Mission Statement:
Seek Christ, share Christ and serve Christ, so that in Him we all may know peace.
Worship With Us!
9:45 AM Worship
Join us in-person or online to worship together!
Livestream on the PoP Facebook Page
6299 Token Forest Drive | Manassas, VA 20112 | 703-670-4143 | Serving the Community in Dale City, Manassas and Woodbridge VA